Office fit-out
With 6 years of experience in the field, our company has a considerable number of office arrangements in its portfolio, working for large companies as well as for small and medium-sized companies. Our clients include Engie, Veranda Mall, Cinemax, Tchibo, IT Group, Mercari, Invibes, Sheraton Hotel. The works of arrangement include electrical installations, sanitary ware, Access control, compartments of safe glass, compartments of gypsum-cardboard, compartments of EI (fire resistant), mounting carpet type tiles and the roll, paints, mounting wallpaper, painters airless, stuko, moved CTA, heat pump mount, AC mount, Modified sprinkler installations, hydrant changes. At the same time our company having in the portfolio and cleaning services at the conclusion of the works you do not have to perform cleaning after the manufacturer, this operation is performed by our employees